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  • Do I accept private insurance?
    Yes, as a registered provider for WPA, Aetna Global Benefits, and Vitality Insurance companies, all I would need from you is your claim number and your insurance membership ID. I will deal with the invoicing aspects directly with your insurance company, on your behalf. Please note, your insurance plan may not cover my entire fee. So, you may need to make up the difference. I am happy to discuss this with you when we first meet or chat on the phone.
  • What is online therapy and how does online therapy work?
    Online therapy is conducted through an online video platform or via phone. It allows unprecident access and convienience to clients. Online therapy is quickly becoming an important resource for a growing number of people, especially during the current pandemic. Online therapy also allows you choice and an ability to connect with a therapist that may be an inconvenient distance away from your home or office. With an online therapist, you can have your sessions in the comfort of your home or office and at a convenient time that suits your schedule. Just as therapists and counselors in "real-world" settings can have a range of qualifications and licenses, online therapists can also differ considerably in their training and credentials. I am very experienced at providing online therapy and have been doing so for more than 10 years. I can assure you that you will recieve the same level of care and service I offer during face to face therapy sessions. I am based in London, England and adhere to the ethical guidelines and standards of the British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists. If you are not based in the UK, it is your responsibilty to understand any restrictions regarding online therapy in your country.
  • How do I know if therapy is right for me?
    Therapy is more than just dealing with past or present issues, and delves into self-exploration as well. Whatever your reason for considering counselling, you have an initial understanding that things may need to change in your life. Counselling will offer you a safe place in a non-judgemental atmosphere to help you along this journey.
  • How long will it take for me to feel some relief?
    How long is a piece of string? Some people feel some relief as soon as they feel heard and understood by the counsellor, for others this happens when they experience shifts in their awareness, and still for others, only when practical changes are made to their lives. In each of these cases, this could happen from the first to the 10th session and depends greatly upon different factors such as the quality of contact you have with your therapist, how deeply you can work, how much therapy you have accomplished previously, and your commitment and readiness to work through the process.
  • How long does therapy last?
    The length of therapy advised is based on the complexity of the issues you are experiencing and how long-standing they are. This is discussed together and determined on an individual basis. Evidence has shown that long-lasting change and maintenance of symptom relief is achieved through long-term psycho-therapeutic work. This may be as little as six sessions or to open-ended therapy. The therapy hour is 50 minutes long and, if we decide to work together, we will meet at the same agreed time every week for a period that varies between a few months to over a year. Often clients will then step back their sessions to fortnightly, and eventually we will meet monthly. However, the amount of talk we each have in us varies from person to person, and some of my clients prefer to meet fortnightly from the start. This is something we can explore in our first session.
  • How often do I need to come to therapy?
    In general, it is once a week at a regular time. However, it may vary depending on the orientation of the therapy and what you are working on.
  • How much does a session cost?
    My standard fee is £100 per session, which lasts 50 minutes, however I work on a sliding scale to ensure that the therapy I offer is accessible for people in different financial situations. Please see my Plans and Pricing page for more details. Additionally, contact me to discuss fees if you are seeking therapy. I also offer consessions for students and OAPs.
  • How do I know if we are a good fit?
    It is normal to feel anxious in the first session when you encounter a stranger who you know you are there to open up to. To help combat this, I encourage clients to ask questions. I recommend using a few sessions to sense how you feel about moving forward. I believe that the client and therapist fit is the most significant factor contributing to successful therapy of any kind.
  • What is confidentiality?
    The information shared in therapy, stays strictly between us. However, there are limitations to confidentiality that all mental health practitioners must adhere to: - If a child is or may be at risk of neglect or abuse, and is in need of protection - If I believe that you or another person is at risk of imminent harm - If disclosure is required by law to comply with a court order - If I feel that you are being radicalised If any of these concerns emerge during the course of therapy, I will endeavour to discuss this with you before I break our confidentiality agreement.
  • What can I expect in the first session?
    The first session is an opportunity for us to find out a bit about each other, and for you to decide if I am the right therapist for you. It is an opportunity to think about what you would like to work on in our sessions. We will discuss how things are for you at the moment and what it is that brought you to therapy. I tend to start by telling you about myself and then discussing what has brought you to therpay, and why at this time. We take things from there. You may have questions for me, which I will gladly answer. In this first session, the assessment starts which means that I listen to you and note my observations. This will start forming an understanding and sense of how we could work together.
  • What is the difference between Psychotherapy and Counselling?
    Short-term work is often referred to as counselling. We may have experience a crisis and need support to help us through it, or we may wish to work on one key issue, such as stress, redundancy, sexuality or relationship problems. However, this does not mean there is not space to bring whatever is important to you, to the room. Psychotherapy is longer-term, open-ended work, in wich we explore how your past experiences and early relationships are still influencing how you respond to life in the present. If we miss out on some of the care we needed as children, longer-term work can offer us a new and better experience of relationships which can help us learn to respond in new ways to life's challenges, and build strong relationships outside of the therapy room. Psychotherapists have to undergo a longer training period than counsellors and will have had to have a significant amount of personal therapy themselves.
  • How do I find the right therapist?
    This is a critical question and the answer to this is not simple as a matter of therapeutic models or qualifications, although both of these are important. To begin, it is important for the protection of the client to find a therapist who is qualified. In the UK, for counsellors, this means having a diploma and for psychotherapists, a master's degree. Aditionally, in the UK, therapists must be members of one or both of the professional organisations for therapists: UKCP (United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy) and the BACP (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy). Both organisations have websites and lists of accredited therapists. The links for both are below:
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